Friday, March 19, 2010

We are family!! Talkin' bought my sisters and me!!

Well, spring break has come and, for the most part gone. another family adventure, and another holiday lost. My Dad was married before he married my mom, and had had two daughters with that woman, so i've got two step-half-sisters, in addition to my brother, and they hate us... well, they hate my mom, brother and me. They like my dad, which is why one of them decided to come visit us. dun dun duuuuuhh. So about two weeks ago my mom went into over drive and started hanging al the art in the house, and vacuuming everything, and buying chairs and poufs and doilies, and we still haven't finished cleaning the house!! She should be here tomorrow, with her husband and three kids in tow. Now, i USUALLY am a very family oriented person, because i want to know the people related to me by blood, but these two sisters have been known to treat my brother and i with cruel and unusual punishments, unowed to OUR attitudes, and my mom with complete indifference. They don't have sticks up their butts, they have whole trees, and i REALLY don't want to put up with them for 4 days, and 6 nights.
Apart from that family fiasco, my brother, who has, lets say, an aversion to following the laws, got arrested on Wednesday, spent the night in jail, and got bailed out by his girlfriend yesterday night. By god, if there isn't an illegal substance or law that he hasn't broken or used, i'll eat my closet... This is the second time he's been in the Mesa city jail, and the second time he has been in there for contempt. Contempt is a fancy way of saying the dumb shit skipped his court date, and thereby pissed off the judge. So Spring Break isn't going to great for me, and i can NOT wait to get back to school, even though this last quarter of my junior year is bound to suck, at least it gets me away from Felon boy, and his side-kick Warrant-For-Your-Arrest, and our archnemisis, the Weaver family. Doo do do DOOOOOO!! It's a bird, It's a Plane, It's Super Kiko! fleeing the site of the family havoc!!!
Bahahaha... to top this whole week off, i have been so busy containing fires that i've been stuck in a pink tank top, sports bra, and Kim possible cargo pants this whole damn week!! That's Right!! I've haven't even had time to change outfits! that, my friends is the biggest tragedy of them all. not only is it unsanitary, but it's the absolutely most un-kiko thing i've done in years... Damn family, allways getting in the way of me and my fashion statements. I'll upload pics of the whole schenanigan when i get them. Stay tuned, Super Kiko and the Attack of the Family-Creature will be back after these short messages!!

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