Hihi! :P (insert comment about how-hard-it-is-to-blog-on-a-regular-schedule here) SO while I was gone, quite a few things happened, so many things that it merits bullet points. Hahaha so here goes!
- did The Curious Savage, which was triple cast, and ended up getting the part of the crazy-thinks-she's-beautiful girl and was in the best of the 3 casts! :D
- got in a relationship with my Ginger theatre friend, he's mormon, 6'4", red-haired, and adorable and we're going on 3 months! :)
- had christmas break and got the entire Harry Potter series on audiobook!! *____* WIN. Also I got lots of cash, so I went on EGL comm sales, which is a lolita sales community, like a loli-ebay, and got a black headband, a cream BTSSB one-peice dress (named as such because it has sleeves, so you don't have to wear a blouse underneath to fit the qualifications of lolita), a Pink BTSSB (Baby, the stars shine bright, a Japanese brand) bolero with bunny ears on the back, and a strawberry tea charm bracelet made by a girl in Norway! :D Pretty good haul for only $230!
- survived hell-month in AcDec and went to Regionals, where we won a a team and I was the top scoring Varsity in the Region! :0 Even I was surprised by that, and I got 8 individual medals!
- went to the Sadies dance at our school, with my bf, and since the theme was famous couples, we went as Bill Weasley and Fleur De l'cour! :3 it was awesome!!! We were running late, so I had to draw the scar on his face in the middle of Chili's using the dull side of a knife to get the eye-shadow-lipstick combo onto his face in realistic lines. Now that is trust.
- got in the stupidest argument with my best friend, the panamanian, over a he-said-she-said issue, in which even the person I made the comment about wasn't mad. Only her. Everybody is confused, but I hope that she'll get over it soon because I miss her. ;-;
- started doing the student directed plays in theatre, we're doing "This could be murder" which is a murder mystery spoof, sort of like the old Scooby-doo episodes. We voted in class and I'm one of the head (the other director is an assistant) directors, we're doing the play twice, and I'm working with my panamanians other best friend, who happens to be my friend too. Talk about awkward. DX
So, that was about 3 months in summary! I would put up pictures, but I usually get my pictures from my facebook page, and they just changed the format so that you can't save the pictures to your computer.. stupid facebook. XP
The main reason I wanted to come on here is to do a fashion critique! C: I recently re-read Kamikaze Girls, which is a book about a Lolita and a Yanki who become best friends. I read it because of the lolita dress I just got, and it inspired me to go check the brand websites, and I had very mixed emotions, so much so it merited a blog post! So, here goes!
The first site I went to was BTSSB, which is one of the oldest lolita companies, and has a history of being my favorite. I guess the first thing I saw reinforced the whole "oldest company" thing, because it was the most grandma-y grandma sweater ever.

I mean honestly. Does ANYBODY look good in these weird skirt-line-across-the-nipple-area confections? Like mod dresses, I utterly do NOT understand them! Who wants to look like their boobs morph into their stomach and then surge with their, legs which are 4 feet long?! No girls I know! And the odd polkadot ribbon is weirdly sewn-on, especially around the pink bunny patch someone slapped on there.. However, I did manage to find one jacket I liked!
Natural waist + Faux fur collar that lies on your shoulders + Bell skirt perfect for petticoat coverage = Happy Kiko. Moving on to the one-pieces.. This was depressing. There were only a handful of dresses and the best I can say about any of them is that I liked this print.
I always wished I could have been a ballerina, and I go to the Nutcracker every christmas time! When I checked skirts, I was happy to find a cute skirt that had this print, it's much more adorable than the corresponding dress..
Gotta love bows! The Jumper-skirts (JSKs), which are dresses that need blouses underneath to be lolita, were terrible.
I mean, this one has a cute print, but what the hell is up with the horse prize ribbon on the hips?! I feel like I should put someone in this dress and prance them around a race track to show off my skill at horse riding! Accessories and head dresses had nothing spectacular, but shoes were BTSSB status! They were SO cute, and over the top frilly! I really liked these, as they're interestingly done, made to show your socks!
Got to love adorable, impractical footwear!
Overall I felt like BTSSB has been demoted to a solely shoe wear maker, their dresses, hats, and jackets were not up to snuff.
That was a bit depressing, but I perked up when I hit the Angelic Pretty site!
Ok. If Marie Antoinette were alive in today's day and age, lived in japan, and liked the color lavender, she would wear this dress, without a doubt! When I first saw this, it was a definite "KAWAIII!!!!!" moment. I love the ruffles on the right side, and the poofy sleeves! THIS is what lolita looks like!
I seem to be on a lavender kick, because the JSK that I loved most was this Rita Skeeter-esque dress with... and Aline swag!
The pleating on the side is distinctly school-girl-plaid-ish, adn the neckline is a bit unusual for lolita, but the bow at the hip makes it an obivously lolita dress. Nice color coordinating with the tule in the same blue as the plaid base! Very well done Angelic Pretty, I applaud you!!
I'm not a big one for wearing just a lolita blouse, or for the cutsews that some companies make (If I'm spending huge amounts of cash to get something shipped to America, I'm going to go the whole hog and get as many frills and fluff as possible, not an over-priced t-shirt with the logo on it) But, this was just so adorable, I just might buy it, that is if I can decipher the ordering instructions.
I could see Annie the orphan skipping downstairs in this on Christmas morning, to go hug Daddy Warbucks. Hahahaha, this is something I would wear to school as a teacher, if I ever decide to get a teaching degree!
The only iffy thing I found were the socks.
I'm not sure I like the whole idea of printing shoes or things on the socks... If you want to wear ribbons up your legs, wear them, don't buy socks with the ribbons silk-screened onto them!
That aside, I approve of Angelic Pretty's collection much more than that of BTSSB!
My favorite, however was that of the company Mary Magdelene. It's a more antique-y lolita then the others, and I'm starting to get into Classic-Lolita!
This is the ugliest color this particular dress came in, but it showed the dress the best.. Cap sleeves, a beautifully shaped waist leading to a charming ruffle on the bottom, with a square lace neckline and a little black bow. This dress is simply perfect, in a pink or a dove gray Iwould LIVE in it, and probably be buried in it! And, of course, I would need accesories...
... which is where this bonnet comes in! I love how bonnets look, although I'm not sure I have the face for them.. and seeing as Mary Magdelene is one of the most expensive clothing brands, I probably won't ever get a chance to try this bonnet on, BUT I am blogging, so I can dream. Can't I? Of course I can, thanks for the affirmative! Moving on to the sweetest thing I found through all my lolita site surfing!
AWSOCUTE moment of the day. Seeing as the sleeves on the dress are long, I probably wouldn't wear these wristlets with this dress, but I would SO wear them with my wedding dress or something else. In fact, I would wear these with anything they matched with; I would sit on this laptop of mine and piece together the ordering instructions using google translator, just to order these; I would get a job, the graveyard shift so I could still go to school, for however long it took to own these. In fact, at some point in my life, I will own these! This whole world I just created reminds me of the play, The Crucible, some weird interpretation of it anyway, where everyone ran around in lolita, and Abigail had on a bonnet and rocking horse shoes, and every time she passed out someone fanned her with her parasol, and Tituba was a seamstress, so that even the people in the Salem Jail could change outfits every once in a while. Hey, a girl can dream!
Which brings me around to me next point! I have checked something off my List. THEE List. This List is so epic it includes things like:
Backpacking Europe
Being a Fashion Designer
Getting an interview with Larry King
Meeting Vivienne Westwood
and Owning a Waffle House
In short, it's my slightly insane Bucket List, and one of the things previously on it was "Own an Armour Ring". An armour ring is something Vivienne Westwood designed a long time ago, when she was still doing punk stuff, like 80's - 90's ish, and they look like this.
See? Pure awesomeness!! They became famous, and permently etched in my desires, by the manga, Nana by Ai Yazawa.
Nana is one of my heros, a definite fashion inspiration! And while surfing EGL comm sales, I found a group of people hoping to put in an order for Armour rings from some hawaiian off-brand, but they needed more people to make it more economical! I of course signed up!! For the low price of $19.16, I'm getting an armour ring!!! It's not exactly like Vivienne's or Nana's, but it's close enough that it will do while I wait until my future fiance/husband buys me one with a diamond in the Westwood logo orb.
See? Much more streamlined. Just thought I'd share my achievement with you! Not even out of the house, and I'm already marking things off my List!
In other fashion news, I'm really tired of freezing my butt off every morning because I deemed fashion more important than maintaining a livable core temperature. This prompted a quick survey of the G by Guess website to look at jackets, where I found several possibilities!
The Military option, which has short sleeves so I could wear it year round.. not that that solves the current freezing problem..
The Trench coat, which every girl should have, but that means that every time I walk into class I'd have to take it off, because it's a bit of an overkill for an Arizona winter.
The one I like the most so far, the Leather jacket! Got to love the punk biker look!
Perusing the site also reminded me that, seeing as I now have a garter belt to hold them up, I need more thigh highs!! These looked cool, and they're cheap, so I might need to plan a shopping trip to our local G by Guess to get a pair, looking at the jackets while I'm there, of course.
My last shopping stop was CD Japan, which is where I look at the brand SexPot Revenge. Keyword: "Look" at.. That's right, I don't own any of their clothing, but I love it so much! My only problem is, as the brand name implies, everything is so offensive, that even my parents wouldn't let me out of the house in it.. And what is the point of having a $100 cardigan that says "might is right", "Punk is coming", and "Anarchy arising" if i can't even wear it anywhere? So, as adorable as this japanese scene boy looks in it, and as awesome as the back looks, and as easy as it would be to plan an outfit with it as the cover, I had to bypass this one.
ANYWAY! To end on a happy note, this has been my longest post! I had to type out all of this hilarity, find pictures, get them on here and in the right spots, and make the whole thing flow in a coherent manner! Whoo! I did it, We did it, You did it Yay! Lo e seemo, We did it!! Terrible spanish, but never you mind! Thanks for sticking with me, I'll post soon-ish, probably not before AcDec state, which is in March. And, not that i support Glee in ANY way, That's how Kiko C's it! (Fashion at least)
Ciao Chicas!!