The family left, gone back to Colorado... sad day. although the day before they left, there was some drama that went down! My youngest niece, Wesley Ann got in a spot of trouble with my dog... Emily, my other niece was petting my dog Jenny, and Wes leaned over to pet jenny too, and scared her, causing her to growl and spin around. It wouldn't have been such an issue, but she hit Wesley in the mouth, and ripped her lip a good 3/4 of an inch. I had to drive over to our family-friends's house, he's a docter, and then he went in to his office early to sew her up. She's all good, with ten stitches, and there won't be any lasting issues, but the drama factor sucked quite a bit. I still don't have any pictures, but i'll post them when i get them!
Our school play, Little Shop Of Horrors, is coming up next week, i'm super excited!! i'm only an ensemble member (female ensemble #3, to be exact, a highly important part!) but it's pretty cool to even be in the play! i'm a bit worried, because we have the set built and everything, but we haven't heard anything about costumes. That is kind of, sort of, REALLY important... the director talked to some one about doing the costumes back when the play had been freshly casted, the mom of a friend of a girl in the theatre program, and someone who helped with them costuming on the fall musical, but there hasn't been any new information.

(a poster for the play, about a nerd in love with a ditzy blonde who finds a blood-eating plant and uses it to gain himself fame so she will love him. both end up getting eaten, how poetic!)
I have been thinking about my costume,and i know what i could wear if it came down to it, but one ensemble member having all their shit together doesn't mean anything compared to a whole play and cast!! the scariest thing is that this isn't a one-costume play, there are 3 doo-wop girls who have a costume change for each new song they sing (Little shop, Da-doo, Meek shall Inherit, Somewhere that's Green, You Never Know, Shang-a-lang, Suddenly Seymour, and the Finale) thats at least 5 outfits, including floor-length ball gowns, feather boas and heels!! That lady better have everything, or WE ARE SCREWED. I'll put up pictures from the play, when i get them, so my next post will probably be of solid pictures! :D Got to go practise my dancing for the musical, I want this show to be awesome ,even if it's a 80% chance we'll all be scantily clad in bad costumes. Ta ta! (maybe literally...)
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