Hihi!! This blogging thing is hard to get into, I never think of it! sorry guys! I promised a lot of pictures of my family from when they came to visit, but I never even got any. My niece, Emily, took a lot of pictures with her camera, but I just can't get a old of them... However, I do have pictures from the play! Woots! Here you go!

This is the cast during our all-night rehearsals! We do them out of costume, so this is all of our awesomeness!! I'm in the middle, in the black shirt, underneath the box!

This is the whole cast! We're all in costume, i'm in the second row, in the red dress, and our music director is in the front, lying down. The two girls in green shirts were the choreographers for the show, and the guy in the middle, with the goatee was our assistant music director.

This is another shot of our music director, he's a funny guy... static electricity and balloons. Perfect combo.

For the finale we had to put this goop on our faces and go on stage under black lights... creepy stuff, and the goop was so gross!! it took forever to dry!! This is some of the cast with the goop on, the green are the people who get eaten by the plant, the rest of us are blue which means we are alive.
I'll try to get some shots of the actual play, to upload soon! Ta Ta!!
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