Hihi! I'm posting more often! Yay! Blogging is so hard to get into, now i understand why the really good bloggers are famous.. Senior year is kind of difficult and unpleasant so far. My favorite class in the past, theatre, is majorly sucking so far. We did a Shakespeare Competition at the beginning of September; the intermediate and advanced classes do it, and of the 50 kids that start out, 12-15 break to finals and then there is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies! Everybody does a Sonnet, and the the finalists perform a monologue, and i broke to finals. :D I did Sonnet 112, about how i don't have anyone except this one person, and i will change myself in any way for them. It was deep, but easy for me to do, because i have a person like that in my life. Then my monologue was the Lady Macbeth mad scene. Oh yeah. I went completely crazy and left the audience speechless, it felt good!

A picture from the end of my monologue, i'm talking to the dead, saying 'Come' and after this, i walk off stage and commit suicide. :P
I'm in Acting to be a crowd pleaser, i don't get that feeling of being silly on stage. Once i walk out into the lights all that matters is that the audience gets drawn innto the story i'm spinning. During the intermission when the judges deliberated so many people told me i'd win, even other kids parents. But, i didn't even place.. sadness.. I talked to my teacher, Mr. G, after and he said my interpretation was slightly off, and that part of it is that she is really quiet, so no one knows she's there. I screamed and shouted.. so i see his point. Funnily enough, the parents of the girl who got first came up to me later and told me they had thought i was going to win, and that they had their video camera on my face instead of their daughters when the results were read. How tragically sad..
So that kind of sucked, and then Mr. G broke the news that we weren't doing a fall musical, instead we were going to QUADRUPLE cast a 10 character Neil Simon play called Rumors. well. Needless to say, we were less than thrilled, but after we read the play, the whole class fell in love with the characters. But more bad news was on the horizon, we ended up not being able to do Rumors. The play was written with a lot of cuss words, and Mr. G had edited them out, but to get the rights to perform the play he would have to sign an addendum saying that he would not change any words of language in anyway.. I guess Neil Simon got pissed that so many schools were editing his plays.. so now we are reading another play, called The Curious Savage, which has possibility and would only require a triple cast... In short, Theatre is sucking this year.
Video Journalism is better though, we have a REALLY small class, only 11 people, the 4 bosses included. I'm a boss this year, which is cool, and the kids are more inclined to listen to us as the class is so small. However, since we are so few, the bosses still have to make videos, which i had really hoped to not have to do.. D: At least we are all awesome!

We spend our time in Video Journalism wisely! This is last years class, no new pics yet!
From the left, Jake, Keeble, John, Chase, Me, Adriana, and Tyler
Then of course i have my huge haul of AP classes, and Economics, which are the same as they were in the last post. Everything is moving sort of smoothly, at least this year i'm not drowning in school, and i have the spare time to do things i really want to do.
I got a Garter belt on Friday!! It makes me so happy! i found one at Victoria's Secret, its all black lace, and it's adorable! there's a bit of an issue of either keeping the thigh highs low enough to be seen below my skirt hem, and keeping the belt high enough. The lace just keeps stretching, and i have to check it to keep it up, but it looks so awesome i don't even care!! :D I'll post a picture of my outfit when i wear it to school on monday in a short post tomorrow!
I'm changing a lot, i can tell. It's more important to me to do what my heart is telling me, and i'm not over thinking things as much. I'm still a worrywart, but at least now i'm going out on the town to have actual things to worry about, as opposed to stressing over the stories of what people are telling me they've done. I'm making wool roving dreads, and some fluffies (furry leg warmers that ravers wear) for a rave outfit! I'm doing the whole outfit in White, Black, and Yellow! I have this black punk shirt, which i'm cutting to turn it into a belly shirt, and then i'm going to hem it and sew white cotton on the inside and slice open the black so you can see it. I have these little white shorts, and my garter belt with these black spider-webby fishnet thigh highs and then these tiered yellow fluffies! And of course, cyber falls in all 3 colors! I made a sketch that i uploaded to show what it'd look like!
The yellow shading didn't quite show up and the dreads look weird, but
this is the general idea! :D
My best friend Jamie has a friends who is throwing his first rave, as a birthday thing, and we can get in free. We're both only staying until like 11:00pm, but it starts at 7:00 so it'll be a lot of good music and fun! I hope i can have this outfit ready by the rave!! The 'rents haven't said anything, so either they don't want to say anything, or they don't care, but either way i'm glad it hasn't come to an argument yet. I'm at the point where I can't live just thinking and dreaming anymore, i have to either put my intentions into action of forget them.
The whole college thing is going on, and I have no desire what so ever to try to get into any college. Even the FIDM has lost it's spark, all i want to do is get out of Arizona, and take Jamie with me. She's doing the same thing, only she has felt this way for longer, so she is handling it better. I think i'll just go backpack around the world and learn about everything that interests me. I have so many things i want to know more about that i can't understand living in Mesa.
This place is like a gigantic insane asylum, everyone ignores your silent pleas for help, telling you to accept how it is, and when you start screaming and demanding to leave, they play the 'you couldn't survive on your own' card.
I don't want a house and a dog and a mortgage, I would love nothing more than to have to sleep on the streets and go to a soup kitchen. I want to understand everything, and living in solitary confinement with padded walls and having everyone try to insulate the world in bubble wrap isn't going to do it for me. I'm not just going to pick an occupation and sit in a cubicle waiting for my mid-life crisis to hit.. I want to figure out what i want to do before i do it. Right now i have equal ambition to be a: stripper, fashion designer, waitress, news anchor, chef, politician, teacher, author, actress, and DJ. I can't just decide what i want to be right now, i don't know enough to even make an educated guess!!
I hope this will all work out, 1 year in the whole wide world, and i won't even know myself! I might turn out to be a republican, amish housewife living with a labrador retriever, green lawn, and a blonde doctor for a husband.
Although, i must say. Somehow, I doubt it.
I'll keep you updated!
Ciao Chics!