Hihi! Long time, no post! I started school again, and i've got that sense of eternal stress back. *sigh* I went through my sick phase, and now i'm in the status quo of AP classes! (Everytime i get stressed, i get violently sick, and then recover. It's like seasickness, only it happens every time i switch from unstressed to stressed and, funnily enough, when i go from stressed to unstressed! silly body...) I'm taking Calculus AB with my all time favorite teacher! He's crazy and awesome, and he's the only teacher who has actually motivated me to work on math. Usually if teachers just go through the motions of teaching i have to drive to do well and settle for the same mediocrity they expect.
I also joined the Academic Decathalon (AcDec) team because my English teacher from last year is one of the coaches, she's another teacher i'm motivated to work for. It's a LOT of work, we have a mandatory 1 hour a night study quota, in addition to any homework we've got for the night, which is crazy, but it's fun too. The stuff we're studying isn't boring, and i have the seasons book on audiotape on my ipod, so it goes relatively smoothly. In addition to those classes i've got AP psychology, which is not really meeting my expectations. There are so many students in the AP classes that the school didn't have enough books and so our class hour didn't get the books until a full week after the other students. I'm really interested in Psychology because i know a lot of people involved in drugs and i want to learn about how drugs affect the mind, and why people consistently do them, but if this class doesn't get better fast, i'm just going to drop it so i can do more for AcDec and Calc.
Other than those classes i've got Theatre, because i love acting, Video Journalism, because i love the people, and Economics/Government, because it's a graduation requirement. Econ is a joke, it's my teachers first year teaching, and you can totally tell. She'll say something she thinks is funny, pause for a laugh, and then explain her hilarity when we don't laugh. This whole process happens 5 - 6 times every class and takes up 15 - 20 minutes of our 55 minute class, which she should be using to make us do something other than book work and powerpoint slideshows, which, in turn, leads me to believe i'm going to learn more in the 4-week Economics section in AcDec then i will ever learn from this joke of a lady. On top of all this negativity, she keeps dress coding my friend for things like bra straps showing, and midriff baring, which just tells me she's a cow with no eye for fashion, because my friend looks adorable pre-ugly-dress-code-t-shirt... it also tells me that i won't be able to get away with anything either. Oh boy, another year of bribing the dress code lady with bags of hershey's kisses, woots!
In other news, I'm thinking about under going some pretty big changes. I just realized that i mostly feel comfortable looking at other people dressed in offensive clothing and admiring it but not really doing i myself. I mean, in Mesa having bare shoulders is paramount to murdering someone, so i already offend people, but i mean like punk, and cyber punk, and lingerave! Wearing clothing like that would be awesome, but i've never really done it before. Well, that's changing. I bought a pair of super awesome silver combat boots, and i'm trying to buy a garter belt, so i can do the thigh-highs and garter straps showing below a skirt thing.
See! It looks amazing!!! :D
I have toed the line of good taste for a long time, now i know where i want to cling to it and where i want to jump off head first! I decided this about 2 weeks before i went back to school, so my best friend, Jamie Cherie, and i went to do a photoshoot! we found this awesome abandoned warehouse out by the freeway, which was probably not a very safe place, and took some amazing pictures! Here are some of my favorites:
Topsy turvy! She's on a wall that has fallen over, that diagonal wall behind her is actually level with the floor!
It was pretty amazing, and dangerous, but that made it fun! :D i think we might end up doing another shoot there in a while, but we might bring more people, particularly some big buff men. In corrolation with my fashion change i' thinking of cutting my hair. like, CUTTING my hair, doing it really short, like this girl's:

I think it'd look good, and i'm really tired of long hair, especially in Arizona, but i'm hesitant because if it doesn't look good, i don't really have anywhere to go... and when i brought this idea up to Jamie, she said not to do it. Her opinion made me pause, so i'm holding off on this plan for a while, but i really want to do it. I probably will..
On another road, my dream of becoming a fashion designer seems to be coming to fruition! i talked to my college-crazy neighbor about it, and she thinks it could work. I'll need some serious scholarshps to fund an Associate of Arts degree from FIDM, but I'm willing to do it. Jamie is on board with the plan, and i wouldn't be able to do it without her, so it seems everything is moving in a good direction! We have started sewing together, just taking old clothes and bags and scrapping them and putting them together in a diy-punk sort of way! we're making a skirt and jacket right now, Jamie is taking the sleeves off a denim jacket she found at good will, and then sewing patches of fabric, zippers, and safety pins onto it. I'm took the safety belt strap off an old purse of mine and we're turning it into a belt for a lace skirt of mine. It'll be an outfit soon, and we're going to make some cyber dreads to top off the whole outfit!

When we're all done we'll go take pics at that warehouse and try to sell them on Etsy or Livejournal or something. I'm super excited! I'll post pics of the outfit when it's done, along with some shots of the AcDec team, my new boots, and life in general next post! Have fun in school, children, and check for updates, i'll try to do one every weekend!
Hi there. I was wondering, which part of the "USING THESE PHOTOS WITHOUT PERMISSION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN." did you not understand while using a photo from our site?
ReplyDeleteWell I don't actually mind people posting my photos as "fan photos" into their blogs, but it would sure nice to mention the source of the photo. And I sure do mind if you remove the watermark of the photos and crop them. So can you please either remove the last photo, or just use it as it is, with the watermark... and please, do mention the source where you took the picture whenever you use photos that are not taken by you. Also it might be a good idea to get to know the copyright law.
Thank you.